Health Guide

Here you will find exciting information and tips on the topics of nutrition, health, vital substances and their effect on our bodies - written by our nutrition experts.

Studies & GuidesWie kannst Du einem Eisenmangel vorbeugen? Erfahre alles über das lebensnotwendige Mineral

How can you prevent iron deficiency? Find out everything about this essential mineral

What does your body need iron for? From transporting oxygen to supporting your immune system and cognitive functions, it has many effects.

SportMagnesium: die vielen Fähigkeiten des Minerals

Magnesium: the many abilities of the mineral

Magnesium has many effects on your body: from solving sleep problems to preventing osteoporosis to supporting you during exercise.

ErnährungAshwagandha – Die Winterkirsche aus der Ayurveda

Ashwagandha – The winter cherry from Ayurveda

This substance has a wide range of uses - against stress and depression, for maintaining body-wide balance or for building muscle. Find out everything about its origin, effects and dosage.

ErnährungGlutathion - der unbekannteste aber größte Held in deinem Körper!

Glutathione - the least known but greatest hero in your body!

Glutathione is a sulfur-containing tripeptide with strong antioxidant effects. Find out more about the diverse effects of this antioxidant!

KörperAllergien - die Überreaktion des Immunsystems: Definition, Symptome und Behandlung

Allergies - the overreaction of the immune system: definition, symptoms and treatment

For many allergy sufferers, spring is the beginning of a period of suffering lasting weeks or months. We'll tell you how quercetin, vitamin C and zinc can help you during allergy season!

KörperDie natürlichen Anti-Aging Waffen: Hyaluronsäure, Coenzym Q10 und Glutathion

The natural anti-aging weapons: hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and glutathione

The secret to radiant skin: the right nutrients! Find out more about the liposomal beauty heroes that support your body from the inside and out.

ErnährungWarum Du dringend Deine B12-Speicher auffüllen solltest!

Why you should urgently replenish your B12 stores!

Find out here why vegans, vegetarians, older people and pregnant women are at risk of deficiency and what they can do about it!

Studies & GuidesDer ultimative Vitamin B Guide (komplett)

The ultimate Vitamin B Guide (complete)

B vitamins are vital for numerous body functions. They must be consumed regularly through food or supplements. Find out more about their importance and optimal dosage in our blog article!

SuperfoodsWeißt Du wirklich genug über das ayurvedische Superfood Curcumin?

Do you really know enough about the Ayurvedic superfood curcumin?

The miracle substance curcumin from Ayurveda is also inspiring science. Find out what you should know about this plant substance and how you can use its power for yourself.