It's Time to Glow: shine from the inside and out
Anyone who has ever taken a closer look at cosmetic products cannot avoid hyaluronic acid and Q10 . The active ingredients are an integral part of almost all beauty products and promise to care for and protect the skin.
The skin is our largest organ, and it continues to change throughout our lives. Environmental influences such as UV radiation, air pollution, but also stress and lack of sleep have a negative effect on cell respiration and almost support the aging process. Therefore, the saying "prevention is better than cure" is particularly true when it comes to anti-aging!
1. The power of hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by the human body and is found in almost all types of tissue. It is found primarily in connective tissue, synovial fluid and the skin. A particularly high proportion is also present in cartilage tissue, intervertebral discs, joints and eyes .
Versatile use for skin and bones
At the molecular level, hyaluronic acid is a chain of disaccharides that contain an amino sugar. These chains are able to bind an enormous amount of water and thus form a thick jelly in our joints. This substance acts as a kind of shock absorber and supports the mobility and flexibility of the joints. In addition, the body's own substance is involved in human wound healing.
Since the acid is of central importance for human synovial fluid, many doctors inject it directly into joints damaged by arthrosis. Hyaluron is also used as a gentler alternative to Botox for wrinkle injections.
Oral intake of hyaluronic acid also has the potential to help with knee osteoarthritis . A study from the specialist journal "The Scientific World Journal" from 2012 confirms this. In the study, a total of 60 subjects over the age of 50 were tested for a year. Half of the group of participants were given 200 mg of hyaluronic acid daily, while the other half only received a placebo. In addition, all subjects were asked to perform special exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscles every day. Both groups achieved an improvement over the study period. However, the improvement in the hyaluronic acid group was significantly greater than in the participants who received the placebo[1].
The natural beauty booster
Hyaluron is not only used in the area of joint health. Since the acid is also found between the skin cells, it is a component of the connective tissue alongside collagen. Here, hyaluronic acid ensures firmness and a healthy moisture content . The acid is also involved in UV protection of the skin. About half of the hyaluronic acid present in the entire body is found in the skin[2].
Not only factors such as UV radiation, smoking and air pollutants contribute to skin drying out, the hyaluronic acid content in the skin also steadily decreases with age . The organism can no longer produce the body substance in sufficient quantities, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, the body's own UV filter weakens and the first wrinkles appear[3][4][5].
However, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the connective tissue and in the extracellular matrix is of great physiological importance. The older we get, the more the amount and quality of hyaluronic acid decreases and its function as a water-binding substance is limited. While the content of hyaluronic acid in the body of 19 to 47 year olds is still 0.33%, it is only 0.015% in 60 year olds and only 0.007% in those over 70 years old[6]. Without an adequate supply of hyaluronic acid, new collagen formation and storage is also not possible. For this reason, hyaluronic acid has been used in numerous skin creams for years[7].
The promise of effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles
In addition to this use, there is also promising evidence that hyaluronic acid taken internally also has a positive effect on the skin. It has been found that hyaluronic acid can significantly increase the moisture content of the skin (on the face and body), which is particularly helpful for people with chronically dry skin [8]. In a study from 2017, hyaluronic acid (120 mg per day) was even able to reduce crow's feet (wrinkles at the corners of the eyes) . In the study, a total of 60 subjects (22 to 59 years old) took 120 mg of hyaluronic acid in capsule form every day over a period of 12 weeks. The comparison group was given a placebo. During the study, the depth of wrinkles in the hyaluronic acid group decreased significantly after just 8 weeks. In contrast, no change was found in the placebo group [9]. There is a reason why hyaluronic acid is a popular nutrient in the beauty industry.
Vegan Hyaluron
Hyaluronic acid is usually obtained from animal raw materials such as rooster combs. Allergic reactions can quickly occur here, for example if there is an allergy to bird proteins. In addition, it is not a vegan source. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the formulation is vegan . This is usually obtained through fermentation!
2. Coenzyme Q10 as an important energy source
Coenzyme Q10 is gaining more and more attention in both the health and beauty sectors.
It is one of the vitaminoids that fulfil similar functions in the body as vitamins and are produced independently by the organism. In its molecular structure it is related to vitamins E and K and has long been used as an additive in skin creams and various care products. The molecule, also known as ubiquinone, is an essential component of cellular respiration and serves as an influential antioxidant for our body. It is produced independently by the organism and is present in almost all of our body cells, with the exception of red blood cells. Ubiquinone is therefore derived from the Latin word "ubique" = "everywhere".
Occurrence of Q10
The highest concentration of Q10 is found in the mitochondria, the power plants of our cells , where it is essential for cellular respiration . In addition, around 90% to 95% of all adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed there. ATP is the universal energy carrier of our cells and therefore also of our body. Therefore, the organs with the highest energy requirements, such as the heart, lungs, liver and nerve tissue, also have the highest concentration of Q10. The nutrient is also present in foods such as broccoli, but only in very small quantities of around 0.9 mg per 100 g.
Decrease in the body’s own production with age
A problem that comes with the natural aging process: the body's own production of coenzyme Q10 steadily declines from around the age of 20. For example, the nutrient content in the heart tissue of people between 77 and 81 years of age is only 43% of what is found in 19 to 21 year olds[10].
When you are young, your body produces the nutrient in sufficient quantities. However, the body's own production can be limited by illness, stress, taking medication or a disruption of the body's own synthesis and may no longer be sufficient to ensure optimal functioning of the body's own processes. An unbalanced diet can also limit the body's own production, as important vitamins and minerals that are needed for Q10 production are missing. Experts therefore recommend taking preventative measures.
Wide range of uses among athletes
In addition to a balanced diet, the right amount of exercise also supports the body's own production. Although physical activity is essential for a healthy body, competitive athletes can quickly be exposed to an excess of oxidative stress . Therefore, many athletes are looking for a legal way to counteract this. A study has shown that taking Q10 during training can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation[11]. This also explains why many athletes use it to improve performance. Because Q10 is not a doping agent !
Stop skin aging
The skin is an organ that constantly changes its state through renewal processes. The energy requirements of the cells responsible for this are covered by mitochondrial respiration, through ATP. This inevitably produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) as byproducts. These disrupt the structures of cells and macromolecules if they cannot be adequately buffered by antioxidant systems. The oxidative damage caused by mitochondrial ROS production has been identified as the molecular basis for several pathological changes, such as accelerated aging and cancer.
During age-related and UV-induced skin aging, mitochondria are the organelles primarily affected. Studies increasingly support the assumption that there is a close connection between mitochondrial health and skin health. It is believed that the positive effect of healthy mitochondria on the skin is due either to sufficient ATP production or to sufficient protection against free radicals. Numerous bioactive compounds have been identified that improve mitochondrial functions and have proven effective on aged and diseased skin. This continues to attract the attention of medical professionals and experts in the beauty segment[12]. As already mentioned, Q10 plays a central role in the cellular energy supply in the mitochondria, as it acts as an electron carrier in the respiratory chain. In addition, Q10, similar to alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), acts as an antioxidant protection system. Reactive oxygen compounds (radicals) are produced on a large scale, particularly in the metabolically active mitochondria, which is why the antioxidant protective function of Q10 is particularly important here[13].
Study proves wrinkle reduction
Q10 has been found to be effective against UVA-mediated oxidative stress in human keratinocytes (epidermal cells), in terms of preventing oxidative DNA damage. There is also evidence that Q10 may help counteract sun-induced skin aging[14].
Furthermore, in a placebo-controlled double-blind study, a total of 33 healthy volunteers were given 50 and 150 mg of Q10 (in a form with increased bioavailability) daily for 12 weeks. During the professional assessment of the wrinkles, it was observed that they were reduced and that skin smoothness, microreliefs and skin firmness were improved . In addition, Q10 intake helped the skin to reduce seasonal changes in viscoelasticity in winter. While the improvement in wrinkles around the eye socket was comparable for both Q10 groups, an additional improvement in wrinkles in other parts of the face (nasolabial folds, corner of the mouth wrinkles and upper radial lip wrinkles) was observed in the 150 mg group. There was no significant change in these wrinkles in the 50 mg test group or the placebo group. Due to the small test group, the experiment is not yet definitive proof that taking Q10 improves the skin's appearance. However, this is already an indication that Q10 can help improve the appearance of the skin[15].
3. The master antioxidant glutathione
The body's own substance is present in almost all of our cells and is also a vital and very effective antioxidant . Since glutathione (in reduced form) is such a powerful redox buffer that protects our DNA and cell lipids as well as proteins from free radicals inside the cell, it is also called a master antioxidant. Due to its strong antioxidant effect, it also helps maintain the body's vitamin C and E stores[16]. The human organism produces this sulfur-containing tripeptide from glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine in our detoxification organ, the liver.
In addition, the body's own substance can also be absorbed through food, such as meat, poultry, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables. However, there are no reference values for the exact bioavailability, i.e. the absorption into the body, of the glutathione contained in food. The recommended daily amount in the USA is between 3 mg and almost 250 mg per day. On average, however, most people only absorb about 50 to 60 mg through food[17][18].
Influence on numerous body functions
Glutathione is also an important component for biotransformation . In this process, substances that cannot be excreted are bound and made water-soluble so that they can then be excreted via the kidneys. Biotransformation removes xenobiotics (foreign synthetic compounds such as pesticides and drugs) and heavy metals, among other things. Even if the body produces glutathione independently in the liver, it can be difficult for the body to maintain a healthy level due to severe oxidative stress or other stresses.
Glutathione in the fight against the aging process
Age is also a factor that has a massive impact on glutathione levels. As a rule, glutathione status in humans begins to deteriorate from around the age of 45 and drops particularly rapidly after the age of 60 due to the age-related decline in the body's own synthesis [19][20]. The loss of the protective function of glutathione inevitably increases oxidative stress, which in turn can have a negative impact on the aging process. Based on current research results, it is assumed that the glutathione level in the body has a decisive influence on aging[21].
Studies prove effectiveness
A study from Denmark, in which the glutathione levels of people aged between 60 and 79 were compared with those of people aged between 100 and 106, produced an astonishing result: it was found that the glutathione levels of the group of people over 100 were significantly higher than those of the younger comparison group. The 100-year-olds, who were in the best state of health, also had the highest glutathione levels[22]. Whether genetic factors or environmental influences played the decisive role here was not clarified, but the importance of glutathione levels for health was illustrated.
Natural protection against free radicals
Little research has been done to date on the effects of supplemental glutathione on the skin . However, there are already initial indications: a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind study lasting 12 weeks shows that just 250 mg of glutathione per day has positive effects on the skin . The glutathione group showed a tendency toward increased skin elasticity compared to the placebo group. A reduction in wrinkles was also observed in the glutathione group[23]. Therefore, further studies are currently being carried out to prove this. What is certain, however, is that glutathione serves as an important protection against free radicals and oxidative stress and has a positive effect on the human body on various levels.
4. Conclusion
Hyaluronic acid , Q10 and the powerful antioxidant glutathione all have numerous positive effects on the human body. In the fight against cell aging and anti-aging, they are true heroes among nutritional supplements and make your skin glow. Because let's be honest: don't we all want a healthy, fresh and youthful appearance?
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