Health Guide

Here you will find exciting information and tips on the topics of nutrition, health, vital substances and their effect on our bodies - written by our nutrition experts.

Ernährung5 Tipps für eine effektive Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungen

5 tips for effective intake of nutritional supplements

The global market for dietary supplements is growing rapidly. Dietary supplements are popular, but is there a right way to take them?

KörperKamille: Der beruhigende Pflanzenextrakt

Chamomile: The soothing plant extract

Chamomile tea is known to promote relaxation and restful sleep. This article describes the benefits of chamomile extract!

Ernährung5 Tipps, wie Du im Herbst gesund bleibst

5 tips on how to stay healthy in autumn

We spoke to our nutrition expert about how the change in weather affects our bodies and minds. With her tips, you can support your immune system during cold and flu season!

KörperVitamin C : Unverzichtbar für die Gesundheit - aber eine Heilwaffe gegen Krebs?

Vitamin C: Essential for Health - But a Cure for Cancer?

Ascorbic acid is essential for a healthy body. But does the vitamin have a preventive or even curative effect on diseases?

KörperDie lebenswichtige Rolle des Blutes: Warum Dein Blut so wichtig ist

The vital role of blood: Why your blood is so important

When we think about our health, we think about our heart, our blood vessels and our lungs. But why don't we think about what connects all of this? Find out why you should pay special attention to...

Studies & Guides3 Effekte von Heuschnupfen, über die niemand redet und Mikronährstoffe zur Vorbeugung

Effects of hay fever nobody talks about and preventive micronutrients

Many people don't know about the far-reaching consequences of hay fever on quality of life! Supporting the immune system with micronutrients can prevent this and in some cases even counteract it.

ErnährungWelche Nährstoffe brauchen Kinder?

What nutrients do children need?

Here you can find out which nutrients children need for healthy development and how you can optimize their diet. Get practical tips and discover when nutritional supplements make sense!

ErnährungKritische Nährstoffe bei einer veganen Ernährung - Darauf solltest Du achten!

Critical nutrients in a vegan diet - What you should look out for!

In this blog article, we will get to the bottom of the critical nutrients in a vegan diet and give you tips on how you can optimize your nutrient supply.

KörperWie du auf natürliche Weise besser schlafen kannst

How to sleep better naturally

According to a 2021 survey, 38% of people in Germany only sleep 4-6 hours a night. In this article, we give tips on how you can improve your sleep quality naturally.