Liposomal Hyaluronic Acid

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  • Thanks to liposomes up to 64x higher bioavailability than tablets or capsules

  • 25 daily doses of 100 mg Hyaluronic Acid

  • Vegan, Soy-, Gluten- and Lactose-free


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Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the human body and is mainly found in the skin and connective tissue.

With increasing age, the body's own hyaluronic acid production decreases. This can result in the formation of wrinkles, dry skin and a decrease in synovial fluid. ActiNovo's liposomal hyaluronic acid comes from a natural vegan source obtained through plant fermentation.

ActiNovo's liposomal Hyaluronic Acid is produced without GMOs and is free from allergens or other incompatible substances (lactose, gluten and soy). 

To ensure the absorption of the powerful substance, ActiNovo encapsulates Hyaluronic Acid in liposomes.

Liposomes help increase the bioavailability of Hyaluronic Acid by easily bringing the substance into cells to exert their positive benefits. 

Natural Beauty

With increasing age, the body's own production of hyaluronic acid decreases. The consequences can be wrinkling, dry skin, and a decrease in joint fluid.

Joint Support

Hyaluronic Acid produces a gel-like substance in our joints that maintains mobility. In addition to its water-binding function, hyaluronic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. This can be helpful for those with frequent joint pain.

Stay Hydrated

Hyaluronic acid has strong water binding properties, which makes it the perfect supplement for your skin. Hyaluronic acid helps support skin hydration and can even help increase skin elasticity. This can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How does it work?

LIPOSOMAL explained in 3 steps

Our innovative LipoSone technology packs the active ingredient into tiny, spherical liposomes that are made of phospholipids.

Protected active ingredient

The liposomes effectively protect the active ingredient from digestive enzymes and stomach acid by enveloping and hiding it well.

Efficiency promise

The active ingredient enters the bloodstream and our cells unnoticed, resulting in up to 64x higher bioavailability.

Ingredients & Nutritional Information

Water, Vegan Glycerol, Phospholipids, Seabuckthorn Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Acidifier (Malic Acid), Rosemary Extract

Average nutritional values 100ml portion
energy 450 KJ 18 KJ
Energy (kcal) 109 calories 4.36 kcal
Fat 10.8g 1.08g
hereof: saturated fatty acids 3.7g 0.15g
Unsaturated fatty acids 7.1g 0.28g
Carbohydrates 0.4g 0.02g
of which sugar 0.4g 0.02g
Dietary fiber 2.6g 0.11g
protein 1.3g 0.05g
Salt 1,457g 0.15g
Ingredients portion %Recommended daily dose*
Hyaluronic acid 100mg **

*Nutrient reference values according to EU Regulation No. 1169/2011

**LMIV nutrient reference value not established

Recommended intake

Take 10ml daily, pure or in liquid (e.g. with juice or water).

Please store the product in a cool place and keep it away from sunlight and heat.
Once opened, please store in the refrigerator and use within 6 weeks.

Keep out of reach of children.

10ml for 24h

2 teaspoons

Store in the refrigerator

Actinovo Shot Glass for your easy intake

Actinove shot glass

to the product

Dosing aid 5ml or 10ml

The two lines on the glass help you with the dosage and
mark the respective intake of 5 or 10ml of liquid. Easy intake guaranteed!


ActiNovo avoids waste - Instead of a plastic cup,
us the sustainable solution. Simply clean in the dishwasher!

Good to know

At ActiNovo, we are excited by the potential of natural active ingredients as well as the possibilities of modern technology.
we combine both in highly effective liposomal
Dietary supplements. Our solution: liposomes

You can imagine liposomes as small (lipid) bubbles that are made of the same material as our human cell membrane. And that's exactly what makes them so special: if you encapsulate fat- and water-soluble vital substances (such as vitamins) using liposomal technology, the coated active ingredient is not seen as a "foreign body" by the human organism, but is passed directly into the bloodstream without any loss. The encapsulated vital substance can be completely absorbed by the intestinal and digestive tract and fuse with the human cell membrane. The liposomes also act as a protective shell that allows the nutrients to be transported through the body at a high absorption rate and to develop their effect. Destruction by stomach acid or degradation by enzymes before actual absorption is thus prevented. With our liposomal ActiNovo products, you can achieve a higher bioavailability and effect than with conventional nutritional supplements.

But what does bioavailability mean?

From a scientific point of view, bioavailability describes the proportion of a nutrient that is actually absorbed by the human body after consumption and enters the bloodstream. Vitamins, minerals and plant substances influence each other and are not absorbed equally by the body. They have different levels of effectiveness depending on the person's age and intestinal health. Instead of taking an unnecessarily excessive dose of vital substances, it makes more sense to focus on quality rather than quantity. In order for our body to be able to fully utilize the nutrients, natural and pure active ingredients are needed that fit relatively well with our body's own enzymes. By encapsulating the nutrient in liposomes, the vital substance is fully available to the body!

The new generation of ActiNovo

✓ Taste upgrade
✓ Higher liposome and product stability
✓ Everything is still natural

The new generation of liposomal nutritional supplements from ActiNovo combines the best of nature and science! We use the ingredients glycerol and rosemary extract together with our innovative LipoSome technology to naturally achieve a stable product and a longer shelf life. Thanks to the naturally sweet glycerol, our products also receive a taste upgrade.

Even with the new generation, ActiNovo continues to focus on the most important thing:
high bioavailability, efficiency & natural products.

Ingredients & Nutritional Information

Water, Vegan Glycerol, Phospholipids, Sea Buckthorn Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Acidifier (Malic Acid),
Rosemary extract

Average nutritional values 100ml portion
energy 450 KJ 45.00 KJ
energy 109 calories 10.90 calories
Fat 10.8g 1.08g
hereof: saturated fatty acids 3.7g 0.37g
Unsaturated fatty acids 7.1g 0.71g
Carbohydrates 0.4g 0.04g
of which sugar 0.4g 0.04g
Dietary fiber 2.6g 0.26g
protein 1.3g 0.13g
Salt 0.183g 0.02g
Ingredients portion %Recommended daily dose*
Hyaluronic acid 100mg **
Sea buckthorn extract

*Nutrient reference values ​​according to EU Regulation No. 1169/2011

**LMIV nutrient reference value not established