
Do you really know enough about the Ayurvedic superfood curcumin?

Weißt Du wirklich genug über das ayurvedische Superfood Curcumin?

Curcumin or turmeric is on everyone's lips. Literally. Supermarkets are stocking their shelves and turmeric recipes (such as the popular "turmeric latte") are generating likes and shares on Chefkoch, Instagram and Pinterest.

Often used in Ayurvedic medicine , it is called the "healthiest spice in the world" or "spice of life" and naturally attracts a lot of attention. As a team of chemists and nutritionists, we at ActiNovo cannot simply accept such a generalization.

We have summarized for you what the difference is between curcumin and turmeric, how the active ingredients can be absorbed, and whether it is really as healthy as the medicinal plant is said to be:
Read on now and get our 5 facts about turmeric.



  1. What is turmeric?
  2. What is the difference between curcumin and turmeric?
  3. Why is turmeric combined with piperine?
  4. What is the correct dosage?
  5. How does curcumin work in the body?
  6. Conclusion


1. What is turmeric?

When we talk about turmeric , we mean the entire herbaceous plant, which grows as a root plant up to 1 meter high. As a species of ginger plant , turmeric is very reminiscent of the spice ginger, which is why it is also known as turmeric, Indian saffron or yellow ginger.

The turmeric plant loves warm climates because it comes from Southeast Asia . Turmeric is used as a spice in the kitchen, especially in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic medicine . The root of the plant is usually ground to produce a powder that can be added to dishes.

This rhizome (rootstock)[2] is colored an intense yellow by the ingredient curcumin. This is the yellow powder that most of us come into contact with as a spice.

2. What is the difference between curcumin and turmeric?

Curcumin is a secondary plant substance from the root of the ginger plant turmeric (Curcuma longa)[1]. This sounds complicated at first. In fact, it simply means that it is an organic molecule that performs special tasks in the plant.

Curcumin is a yellow pigment that is also used as a food coloring (E100). Therefore, its traces can be found in many food groups. We probably know it best as curry spice.

Together with the molecules demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin and cyclocurcumin, it belongs to the curcuminoids, the active polyphenolic compounds from turmeric.

In addition to essential oils, minerals and fiber, turmeric contains up to 5% curcuminoids [3].

The use of the secondary ingredient curcumin is similar to other spices for coloring and seasoning meals, but it is also said to have other positive properties that promise health-promoting effects. For this reason, the curcuminoids are also extracted and concentrated in order to be examined in high doses in clinical studies. However, this extracted active ingredient has little to do with the actual turmeric plant.

Liposomal Curcumin

A 10 ml daily dose of curcumin provides your body with 200 mg of highly concentrated curcuminoids .
You would have to eat 200 g of turmeric root to absorb the same amount.


3. Why is turmeric combined with piperine?

The potential health benefits of the substance curcumin contained in the plant are:
  • its poor solubility
  • the low absorption from the intestine
  • d en fast metabolism
  • and rapid, systemic excretion is limited.
This low bioavailability[4] is particularly important when taking conventional turmeric powder.
The natural bioenhancer piperine is therefore added to many products.


What is piperine?

Piperine is an active ingredient in long pepper . It is the best and first described bioenhancer. A substance that can increase the absorption or effect of other molecules. Since its discovery in India in 1979, piperine has been shown to increase the bioavailability of various drugs by between 30 and 200%. When taken together, the effect of curcumin is increased almost tenfold [5].

What are liposomes?

A fusion (emulsion) with other water-insoluble substances, e.g. fats in the form of liposomes can improve the absorption of curcumin . We call this our " Trojan horse ". These functional nanobodies made of phospholipids dock onto the cells in the human body with their fat-soluble double membrane and transfer the active ingredients directly into the bloodstream. While most ingredients are simply excreted through the digestive tract, liposomes can easily dock onto the body's own and important cells. This means that absorption in the body can be increased through natural mechanisms[6],[7]. Liposomal curcumin therefore offers an even more efficient absorption of the effective secondary plant substances of "Curcuma longa".

4. What is the correct dosage?


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends a maximum of 3 mg of curcumin per day per kilogram of body weight [9]. For a body weight of 70 kg, this amounts to 210 mg per day.
Curcumin has a preventive or long-term effect and should therefore either be an integral part of the regular diet or taken over a longer period of time in normal doses as a dietary supplement.
Due to its low bioavailability, curcumin is best taken in combination with pepper, fat or as a ready-made emulsion (e.g. liposomal formulation)[8].
Liposomal formulations do not need this pepper flavor additive, as maximum bioavailability and thus nutrient absorption of the active ingredients is ensured by the liposomes.


5. How does curcumin work in the body?

Like most secondary plant substances, curcumin is said to have numerous positive effects.

The Ayurvedic superfood is said to be a healing agent. Some people describe the use of curcumin as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, among other things. However, these effects have not yet been confirmed in evidence-based and Western medicine.

However, various antioxidant properties have been described for curcumin[10]. Oxidation is a gradual process. It can be increased by various factors such as lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol consumption, but also infections and damage cell structures. Some results suggest that curcumin supports the activity of antioxidant enzymes[11],[12],[13].

In addition, research is investigating an anti-inflammatory effect (i.e. an anti-inflammatory effect)[14]. This anti-inflammatory effect can be explained by the role as an antioxidant. This is because immune cells communicate in inflammation sites via oxidative signals[15]. On the other hand, a high level of oxidative molecules is said to be able to promote inflammatory reactions. Systemic inflammation is thus associated with various chronic symptoms.

Since curcumin has an antioxidant effect, it could also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which inhibits chronic inflammation.

Experts also speak of positive effects on anxiety disorders and depression. Find out more here!

Can athletes also benefit from taking curcumin?

The anti-inflammatory effects of the medicinal plant also have their place in the world of sport. Hard, sweaty training in particular produces free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress. The superfood serves as a radical scavenger and supports sore muscles. Studies have also examined the influence of curcumin on athletes [16]. If these micro-tears become inflamed, sore muscles follow. Curcumin can help to prevent the symptoms from holding you back for too long. Study results suggest that taking it can reduce muscle damage and significantly improve the symptoms of sore muscles [17]. This allows your body to have shorter recovery breaks and more intensive sessions.

Curcumin can even be used to treat degenerative joint changes with cartilage degradation. Studies have shown that it is effective in alleviating symptoms [18].

Doping-free: liposomal curcumin with mango flavor

Our curcumin product is regularly tested for selected doping substances and is therefore suitable for both competitive and amateur athletes!


[4] Bioavailability of curcumin: problems and promises. Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Newman RA, Aggarwal BB Mol Pharm. 2007 Nov-Dec; 4(6):807-18.
[5] Shaikh J, Ankola DD, Beniwal V, Singh D, Kumar MN. Nanoparticle encapsulation improves oral bioavailability of curcumin by at least 9-fold when compared to curcumin administered with piperine as absorption enhancer. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2009;37:223–230.
[6] Cuomo et al.: Comparative absorption of a standardized curcuminoid mixture and its lecithin formulation. In: J Nat Prod. 74(4), April 25, 2011, pp. 664–669. PMID 21413691.

[7] NK Gupta, VK Dixit: Bioavailability enhancement of curcumin by complexation with phosphatidyl choline. In: J Pharm Sci. 100(5), May 2011, pp. 1987–1995. PMID 21374628.
[8] Hewlings, Susan J, and Douglas S Kalman. “Curcumin: A Review of Its' Effects on Human Health.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 6.10 92. 22 Oct. 2017, doi:10.3390/foods6100092.
[10] Sahebkar A, Serbanc MC, Ursoniuc S, Banach M. Effect of curcuminoids on oxidative stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J.Funct. Foods. 2015;18:898–909. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2015.01.005.
[11] Lipid, blood pressure and kidney update 2013. Banach M, Serban C, Aronow WS, Rysz J, Dragan S, Lerma EV, Apetrii M, Covic A Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 May; 46(5):947-61.
[12] Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin. Menon VP, Sudheer AR Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007; 595():105-25.
[13] Mitigation of Systemic Oxidative Stress by Curcuminoids in Osteoarthritis: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Panahi Y, Alishiri GH, Parvin S, Sahebkar AJ Diet Suppl. 2016; 13(2):209-20.
[15] Biswas SK, Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016; 2016():5698931.

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